of the Strengbach and Ringelbach watersheds we propose to illustrate the interest of combining the geochemicaltracing and geochemicalmodeling approaches on surface and deep borehole waters, to decipher the diversityThe results point to a clear geochemical typology of waters depending on the water circulations (deep
Geochemicalmodeling is an efficient and effective tool to assist the experimental design by virtuallyHere we demonstrated an example of geochemicalmodeling assisted experimental design of coupled labradoriteGeochemicalmodeling results show that the use of isotope tracers gives us orders of magnitude more sensitivityOverall, the modeling results of multimineral reaction kinetics will improve the understanding of thecoupled dissolution–precipitation in the multi-mineral systems and the quality of geochemicalmodeling
Boumerzoug-El khroub valley has been processed simultaneously with Multivariate analysis, geostatistical modeling, WQI, and geochemicalmodeling.These groups were confirmed by FA/PCA, which demonstrated that groundwater quality is influenced by geochemical
In this study we identified mono- and multi-element geochemical anomalies associated with Cu-Au-Mo-BiAfter mono-element geochemical investigations, principal component analysis was applied to ten selectedelements in order to acquire a multi-element geochemical signature based on the mineralization-relatedThen, significant mono- and multi-element geochemical layers were separately combined with related geologicThe results show that the multi-element geochemical signature of principal component one (PC1) is more
elimination approach applies the iterative regression analysis and analysis of variance to investigate the geochemicalThe miniature-scale geochemical changes indicate double ordinal Au (Ag, Pb) and Au (Ag, Zn) interactionsThis ordinal–disordinal interaction revealed that elements Pb and Zn have similar geochemical features
water resources and ecology in the complex karst critical zone, we illustrated functions of the hydro-geochemicalWe reviewed isotopic and geochemical interpretations on tracing water sources for plant uptake, quantifyingIn this paper, the application of the hydro-geochemical analysis on the above aspects in the karst areas
Geochemical data indicates that the rocks are generally shoshonitic, alkali-calcic to calcic, ferroanTheir overall geochemical features indicate that they were most likely derived from partial melting of
Partial melting modeling on the SGB metabasalts indicates that these rocks were derived by 20% meltingFractional crystallisation modeling with REE reveal that the most evolved samples represent the product
Although marine carbonate rocks are generally considered to preserve the geochemical signals of ancientThe modeling result indicates that the dramatic difference in Fecarb cannot be explained by variation